NetGuard - no-root firewall

NetGuard - no-root firewall screenshot 2NetGuard - no-root firewall screenshot 1

NetGuard - no-root firewall screenshot 4NetGuard - no-root firewall screenshot 3

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More about NetGuard - no-root firewall

Download NetGuard - no-root firewall Latest APK v2.180. NetGuard provides simple and advanced ways to block access to the internet - no root required.
Applications and addresses can individually be allowed or denied access to your Wi-Fi and/or mobile connection.
Blocking access to the internet can help:
- reduce your data usage.
- save your battery.
- increase your privacy.
- Simple to use.
- No root required.
- 100% open source.
- No calling home.
- No tracking or analytics.
- Actively developed and supported.
- Android 4.0 and later supported.
- IPv4/IPv6 TCP/UDP supported.
- Tethering supported.
- Multiple device users supported.
- Optionally allow when screen on.
- Optionally block when roaming.
- Optionally block system applications.
- Optionally notify when an application accesses the internet.
- Optionally record network usage per application per address.
- Material design theme with light and dark theme.
Category: Ferramentas
Operating System: Android
Price: Free

NetGuard - no-root firewall NetGuard - no-root firewall Reviewed by OnPlay Apps on 2/07/2018 01:07:00 PM Rating: 5

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